Core Team Partners
We are very blessed and honored to have seen multiple believers step forward and partner with us, whether it be in prayer, financially, or other methods of support. Thank you!
We would like to share with you a bit more about our core leadership team here at Called to Shine, including our Core Team Partners. Please browse this page to get to know our Core Team Partners better.
Pastors David and Tracy Whittington
Senior Leaders of Redemption House Life Center

Senior Pastors David and Tracy Whittington are the founders of Redemption House Life Center, “A presence driven ministry going after HIS heart.” They have been married and serving in ministry together since 1998. They have two children who are both married, two granddaughters and two grandsons, with another baby on the way. They have been able to birth many ministries and outreaches with great passion and involvement. Working closely together, they have launched several transitional homes, (Missions For America), a food bank, both adult and teen outreach programs, and mentoring programs. Pastor David believes true healing and deliverance comes from being in the presence of the Lord and surrendering your own will for your own life. His personal struggle in the past with drugs and subsequent homelessness led him to seek out a way
to help people make a change for their own life through the love of Jesus Christ. Pastor David works hard to make sure no one has to be turned away. Pastor David teaches to lead by example and this is part of what people love about him the most. Since he has faced many of the setbacks that his residents in recovery face, he is able to counsel with love, compassion, and support and be used by God to bring them out of any struggles they are going through. Pastor Tracy has been an evangelist since the time she was saved, winning people for the kingdom. She flows under the unction of the HOLY SPIRIT and in the prophetic. She is able to counsel with love, compassion, and support and be used by God to bring people out of any struggles they are going through. Pastor Tracy loves JESUS. She is a firm believer that many shall come to know Him and the truth will set them FREE!!! Because she is in Love with GOD, she loves others HIS way. She truly wants to be a blessing to everyone around her, laboring until CHRIST is formed in people and the only thing left to see is HIS presence through all. Let HIS Light shine for all men/women to see. Pastor David and Pastor Tracy are true lovers and worshipers of GOD and continue to be examples of how to live your life in the presence of GOD. They are passionate about seeing lives changed and reaching their potential. No one is ever unwelcome in their lives. Together they believe in loving each and every one of GOD’S children and seeing them how the FATHER sees them. They strive to show the lost that they are found and have purpose, potential, hope, and a future. They show grace and mercy at every turn and are often misunderstood for how they love and operate their lives.
Roy and Darlene Curry
Involved in life-long ministry, Roy and Darlene are members of the senior leadership at Redemption House Life Center, located in Pasadena, Maryland, where they operate in both the prophetic and apostolic giftings. For over three decades, they have operated an open, free-for-all ministry of worship out of their home, where they have been blessed to witness many signs, wonders, and miracles by those led to sit in what has been lovingly called "The Hot Seat."
Having been abundantly blessed in covenant for thirty-nine years, the Curry's are proud parents of three fantastical children. In addition to having the honor of being called "G.G & Pop Pop" by two marvelous grandchildren, God has bestowed upon them a compassionate love to seek out and embrace the treasures in each one of His children, leading to a growing multitude of sons and daughters in spiritual adoption all over the world.
Whether domestically or abroad, in homes, or in the marketplace, they long to see the fire of God's love and power intercede in every situation and transform hearts and lives. The Curry's are radical lovers of the Trinity and all things and persons Heaven sent. They are impassioned revivalists tasked with raising the next generation of revivalists who understand that it's written in their DNA to operate in the unseen realms to orchestrate God's kingdom on earth. Roy and Darlene have long embraced the sense of adventure God has placed in their hearts and are filled with anticipatory joy as they embark to see the power of prayer mixed with radical love manifesting through them in each of the fifty states of America.