Roy Curry Darlene Curry Audrey Mauldin Kendall Mauldin and the glorious Kidlets
Written by Darlene Curry
Prayer for the state of Virginia and Richmond: Prayer for Virginia and Richmond: Hallowed be Your mighty name over the state of Virginia. We invite You to have all Your good pleasure in this land. We stand in agreement and bless what You are doing in Virginia,; known as “ the birthplace of a nation” and the “ Mother of Presidents.”We are not worthy, but we come in the name of the one who is altogether worthy and ask that You would pour out Your mercy and grace over the state of Virginia.
Father,You alone are our hope and our firm foundation. You see and know all. Our knowledge and sight is limited. We need You, Lord! Oh how very much we need You! Please surround the state and local leaders - Governor Northam, Lt. Governor Fairfax, Attorney General Herring, and Mayor Stoney - with wisdom and guidance as they carry out their responsibilities for the welfare of the people of VA and the city of Richmond. Grant them each with an abundance of wise and righteous counselors who know what is right, and please enable them to accomplish what is right in your eyes. Protect them and their families as they serve the people of the state state and the city. Thank you for placing them in positions of authority for the good of the state. May they do nothing contrary to Your perfect will. We ask that in Your mercy You would bring each one to saving faith and use them to live godly lives as they impact and influence so many throughout the state and city. Strengthen Your Church Leaders in Virginia to seek Your face to bring forth revival in the land! Father bring unity among the races in Virginia and we ask that You heal the disease of racism and hatred, hostility and Lord we declare the Shalom of God to annihilate the violence that has erupted over the land. Bring peace and bring comfort to those who suffer injustice because of the color of their skin. We ask Father that Your would go all the way back throughout history and bring healing to the land. Forgive the bloodshed and cleanse the land with Your righteousness. God, show Your people how to be bridges of Your healing and reconciliation. Forgive where the people of the land have defaulted to their own comfort instead of actively seeking Your justice for the oppressed. Go all the way back through history and heal every injustice done to Your Native American people. Restore all that was broken down through the sin of pride. Bless and restore the agricultural aspects of Virginia even a resurgence of the silk worm. Bring God back into every educational institution. Bring Godly virtue to the land. Guide Your people in Virginia and place Your people in positions of power and influence in the state and women who are courageous and bold and willing to stand firm on behalf of mothers and the unborn. Show Your Church how to be actively engaged to co-labor to see Your Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven in the state of Virginia. Father, in Your strength grant Virginia strength and perseverance in a time where the state’s impending laws could jeopardize religious freedom. Let freedom reign over the state of Virginia. God we ask for Your order and for You to establish Your peace throughout all of Virginia. Our Father, we know that You are Sovereign over all people at all times. And this includes the city of Richmond and the state of Virginia. We decree that Virginia belongs to You. We decree and declare that Virginia is a state of purity, truth,honesty ,loyalty to God,perseverance and righteous justice. We ask that You continually watch over and keep the state of Virginia We are assured of Your love poured out for all Your people on the Cross of Christ our Savior. We desire for You to make for Yourself a glorious Name in the city of Richmond and in the state of Virginia. May Your will be done. May Your Kingdom come! We pray all this in the name of Christ our King. May He receive all the glory now and forever. Amen