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Enter Boldly, Into His Thrown


Updated: May 17, 2020

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV) As we enter boldly into the thrown of the one who has called us to himself, we may encounter his goodness! After-all his goodness is un-measurable in the perfect grace that he extends to us all. It's a gift that keeps on giving, that we may receive his grace and then give to others in abundance from our hearts of gratitude in Gods loving mercy! I have been submerged into a beautiful revelation of his love and mercy, and I have been on a journey as God leads me into unity with every truth found in his word. I invite you to let your heart completely open up as you are led into reconciliation to God through mercy and grace, extended through Jesus on the Cross of Calvary. This will be a most wonderful freedom that will propel you into receiving all that God intended for you to inherit!

Why is it that we hold and grip onto the wrongs that others have brought upon our lives? When Jesus did not hold on to our long list of offenses, nor did he ever chose to keep remembering them. He gave no second thought to complete forgiveness, and then as he forgives our sins he asks us to do the same unto others. John 20:23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” For more insight and depth into revelation on these grace scriptures, I recommend you read, Reckless Grace, by Bill Vanderbush and Brit Eaton. I have been so inspired by this book that it brought me to share my own testimony about God's perfect Grace. So as Jesus was able to forgive others sins so are you, able and called to release this gift unto others that need freedom. When Jesus was being challenged by the pharisees about which was the greatest commandments, he gave them the most beautiful response. Matthew 22:37-40 “Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”(NKJV) So as we learn to love and honor Jesus, who is on the inside of our hearts, he makes the second part of these commands possible, through his radiant love, that flows from the Holy Spirit!

In the last two years, I was taught one of the hardest lessons that I had ever gone through, but as most trials do, this too brought maturity into my walk with the Lord. My family and I were serving in a beautiful church for seven years and growing in the word and in relationships with many other believers. We were hungering after all of the truth and revelation found in the word of God. We had been blessed to grow in our serving positions, as we were helping to lead prayer, mentoring, and serving with the woman and children's ministries. Things were going well, but there was a deeper cry within my heart, asking God for the More. I was also becoming awakened in the sensitivity to the spiritual outpouring and every gifting including the prophetic words of God. Which are available for all believers and are found in 1 Corinthians 12. So these wonderful gifts are of different kinds but are all of the same spirit and are for the benefit of the whole body. As I started becoming more bold in my expression, such as worship and prayers, I was becoming a bit of an outcast, not by intention, but by my own longing to stretch out for the more that God had promised! I was taking moments to shout for joy and victory, in attempts to push out the brass heavens that were hindering the move of the spirit. My physical body was attempting to conceal a greater move, that I could not yet describe by words alone. However, in my zeal for the Lord, I was trying to awaken others and failed to see that every believer has their own personal journey to follow, into a place of great awakening. As Jesus is a gentle and perfect leader that draws us all to himself each at our own pace. I had to submit myself to the Lords will of change for our life and step out of one area where I had been comfortable into another place that would require me to grow my trust in the Lord. After prayer and intercession, my family was led to a new place where Jesus had already arranged for us to be received, accepted and mentored. However, with change comes much need of his warm embrace. We needed his healing over our hearts and we needed an extension of Gods salve to extend that same grace to others. So thus began the prayer of asking God for a forgiveness that came directly from his reserves. I had to pray regularly at first, practically daily, giving him every burden. I found out that in the state of seeking, I had to trust God for Matthew 7:7. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. (NKJV)

Yes, he did answer! Even if we had just grown in different directions, it was still painful, as any breaking away can be, for that community had been our family and support. I found that I had to forgive myself first of all failures in this situation, so that I could then have his empowerment to release the same level of grace that I would need to give others. I started to bless those who had their own ideas of us, in my prayers and words I began to speak life over them and began to pray for them as I pray for my children. Until deep love just poured out of my heart when I thought of them. And when the flow of forgiveness came, lots of tears turned into overflowing joy. I felt the JOY from Psalms 30:5-For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning. Thanks to Jesus for sending so many powerful intercessors around us, who helped hold our arms up and moved us out of our fiery trial. Our family is forever grateful for those, who barely knowing our circumstance, stood next to us and cheered and prayed until we were peeled off the ground of sticky tears and became fully restored through laughter. A Joy unthinkable, it was healing our every fiber and connecting us to the grace that had always been there. Only now, it was being carried by grace in a dance ensemble that was releasing joy over our hearts and unto others.

After a years journey, I found so much forgiveness and love for others and I accepted that we do not all have to see through the same filter. But that we are all an extension of Jesus and it is always his perfect word that will become our shared lens. As we share his heart, we will begin to value each others gifts and differences so much that we will have an ability to see the most beautiful blessings hidden on the inside of others. We can begin to receive more from one another as we value their lives ahead of our own, just as Jesus did when he gave up his life for his brothers and sisters. The most precious unity that Jesus reflects is that we can put away our differences, when it comes to small things, and calibrate ourselves on the most fundamental truths! That Jesus is the way the truth and the life, that all must come to the father through him. That his desire is that we know the father, and that his goodness be released over our lives through his grace. That we are called to be his, and he is our great prize. He is Love! In 1 Corinthians 13:5 where love is being described, we hear the following, It does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Celebrates the truth, which is found in the word of God. Found in the son of God, Jesus, as he is a reflection of God's perfect love!

I invite you my friends into a deep place of restoration, as you allow God to search your hearts and bring any un-forgiveness to your memory, so that you may lay it before the alter and Jesus can exchange it for his grace and love, and you are able to be reunited with him into all his fullness! As you let those bitter roots be exposed to the Light of Jesus and the truth is spoken over your hearts, there shall be a deep freedom that comes upon you. So that you can soar with wings as an eagle and find those wonderful up-drifts, provided by Holy Spirit, that will carry you further up into a spiritual awakening. Release all heavy weights, as God calls you closer to enter into his most holy dwelling. (Take a moment to pray and let God speak to your hearts).

So about the same time that I was going through healing, I was responding to the Lord's leading and was waking up earlier and spending some time in devotion and deep meditation. I had gone into my daughters room, since she had slipped into our room in the middle of the night and was sleeping between us, she had been having trouble staying in her bed. I lay a blanket and pillow near her bed and just lay for a while, and waited for God to give me vision or visitation as he is so good at doing. I began to cry out from my spirit, as I poured out in heavenly languages, my hunger was increasing and I knew that all I needed was to be beside him receiving of his goodness. I was preparing my heart, and I didn't know exactly for what, but I knew that he was drawing me into a deeper encounter. So after pouring out everything, every prayer of thanksgiving, petition, direction and conviction I lay on the floor as if fully empty, nothing else came to my mind, but a rich surrender to God as I became like puddy melting into the floor. Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (NKJV)

It was in that moment that God led me to enter into a vision. I saw myself running towards the Lords sanctuary in heaven. I could see the alter of sacrifice that was used by the priests as they offered sacrifices to cleanse both themselves and the sins of the people. I remembered that Hebrews 10:1-18 now spoke of Jesus becoming our final sacrifice, that through his life, we would no longer need to keep sacrificing animals. He became the second Adam, and just as one sin could cause the entire of humankind to fall, by Adams actions. So the recompense of one perfect man, Jesus, was used to reconcile us once and for all before God. I saw that the washbasin made of bronze was on the outer courts reflecting the washing of Aaron and his sons, hands and feet before they entered the sanctuary of the Lord. Exodus 30:17-21 I ran past them and right into the sanctuary, as if though every part of my heart knew that I had gained rights to boldly enter in through Christ new open door policy for his children. Hebrews 6:20 where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, having become High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. (NKJV)

I stepped through the first veil and into The holy sanctuary and to my right was the table for the bread of his presence. I glanced at it and thought about communion and the last supper as Jesus held out his hands and held the bread as he spoke of them partaking of his body. Exodus 25:23-30. The golden lamp-stand stood at left and served as a light to all the sanctuary. It's Hebrew term is menorah, meaning a candelabra with seven or nine lights, that is used in Jewish worship, and are still used today in Jewish homes. Exodus 25:31-40. The seven spirits are often spoken of as seven lamp stands that are before Gods throne. read Rev 1:4, Rev 4:5 and Rev 5:6.

In an instant I stood before an alter, perhaps it was the alter of incense. As I could make out the smell of cedar which I looked up later and found out it means sanctification, or cleansing. I bowed low to my knees and my whole being lay down in deep reverence, as if I could barely breath, I was in awe, struck with just such an immense reverence in awareness of God. I then heard the Holy Spirit speak to me, look up towards the alter. I lifted my eyes and looked towards the alter. There was a staff like that of Aaron's Rod/staff upon the alter. I thought for a moment why is that staff just laying there, and the voice again, said watch. I stared at the staff and before my eyes I watched as it turned into a budding almond reed. Read numbers 17. It wrapped around like a crown embedded with beautiful life. Then Holy Spirit spoke to me and said come closer and get ready. It was an evident invitation for me to come near and lay my head in a stance of a bow, as he lifted up the crown, I could only keep my head low and weep in complete amazement. I felt so unworthy, yet so blessed to be chosen. As the crown was placed over my head, I felt a deep awakening and a revelation of his love came upon me like a river had just flooded through every crevice of my being. 1 peter 2:9“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” (NKJV)‬‬

Jesus first chose us and loved us from the beginning. He loved us before we even knew who he was! 1 John 4:10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (NKJV) I pray that as you read this, it becomes an impartation to you as well as you are welcome to step into a greater awareness of who you are in Christ. He paid a very high price that you could become a co-heir in his inheritance. Just read Romans 8:17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. (NKJV) Jesus tore the veil in half so that we, his children, are able to come into his presence and commune with him all the time, as we are now seated with him in heavenly places. Ephesians 2:6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (NKJV). He had allowed me to gain strength and grace for the path of forgiveness that I had to walk. I couldn’t have done it without his leading and without his grace, as he reassured me that my identity was indeed found in him.

So what does it take to become a child of God and be able to encounter him? We must receive Jesus into our hearts and receive his love and grace in every area of our lives. As we say yes, to his spirit we become re-birthed into new creations in Christ. We give him all our un-forgiveness and all our baggage (fears, doubt, unbelief) so that he can cleanse us and wash us whole. We are able to become like a child stepping into a restored garden, we may commune with him in great intimacy as did Adam before the fall. We come to know him as we allow his words to be revealed to us in great depths. We learn to walk and obey all his ways because we love him so and seek to please him alone. We turn and run from temptation because we don't want to do anything that would separate us from his love. He becomes our treasured reward. He becomes our dearest friend, our Shepard, our beloved, our brother! Our hearts beat for him, and we realize that our blood has been transfused, likened to be of the resurrected kind. His blood in us! His body in us! His life in us! Hope of all Glory on the inside of our hearts. We become his and he becomes ours, what a wonderful union he offers us all! I pray you encounter Jesus as you enter boldly before him this day. Amen!

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